Wednesday, October 21, 2015

ITF Taekwon-Do I do Taekwon-do in this club! It is really fun. You have to try it out

ITF Taekwon-Do I do Taekwon-do in this club! It is really fun. You have to try it out!:

Grandmaster General Choi Hong Hi - the man responsible for Taekwondo

Taekwondo stretches

Taekwondo stretches:

10 Reasons to Teach Your Kids Martial Arts

10 Reasons Why a Martial Arts Education is a Good Thing for the Prepared Kid >>” width=”616″ height=”400″><br

  1. Confidence: When you’re confident you can defend yourself, and don’t come across as an easy target that most bullies look for. Also, if you have accomplished something a little difficult then you have confidence that you can move onto a new level, not just in martial arts but in any area of your life.
  2. Defense: My boys may not be able to take on any opponent in the world. However, they have learned techniques to help them defend themselves in hostile situations.
  3. Learn How to Take a Punch: This is a difficult concept for a mother to get her head around let alone accept. The best defense in most situations is to run, flee or remove yourself from the situation. If there is some reason you have not left the situation it usually means your opponent has thrown the first punch and is on top of you or has attacked you in some way. If you know what it feels like to take a punch and keep your wits about you, you’re chances of survival are much greater.
  4. Discipline: This is another point that ripples throughout a child’s life. However, to master the different levels of any martial art you've got to have physical and mental discipline. Martial arts give children practice using the body and mind in harmony.
  5. Endurance: Martial arts is a sport, you build strength and endurance.
  6. Leadership: Part of becoming a black belt and higher is teaching beginning students. My older son is now teaching younger students and this is part of his training.
  7. Health: We have an epidemic of childhood obesity in this country. Martial Arts is a great way to get moving and burn off calories.
  8. Fight in a Controlled Environment: This one was hard for me as a mother. Of course at first it was cute. My little five year old child sparing with another five year old was nothing more than two clumsy kids trying to hit each other. My oldest son sparing during his black belt test was stomach turning. But my boys have the experience of fighting and they've learned it in a controlled environment without getting hurt. (at least hurt too badly)
  9. Situational Awareness: This goes along with confidence and defense but studying martial arts requires that you always be aware of your environment.
  10. Ability to Assess an Opponent: If you can determine that your opponent is weak in an area you can use that to your advantage in any hostile environment. This is an invaluable skill.10 Reasons to get your kids involved in Marial Arts guest post by Jennifer of Are We Crazy Or

nepal itf team in goa

आयरल्यान्डमाथि नेपालको सानदार जित

काठमाडौँ : मलेसियामा जारी आइसिसी विश्वकप छनोट क्रिकेट प्रतियोगितामा नेपालले आयरल्यान्डमाथि ८ विकेटको शानदार जित दर्ता गराएको छ । 
मलेसियाको क्वालालम्पुरस्थित किनररा एकेडेमी ओभल खेल मैदानमा बुधबार आयरल्यान्डले पुरै ५० ओभर खेल्दै ७ विकेटको क्षतिमा दिएको १८५ रनको लक्ष्य नेपाली टिमले ४२.५ ओभरमै भेट्टाउन सफल भयो ।
आयरल्यान्डले दिएको गतिलो लक्ष्य पछ्याएको नेपालले ४८ बल बाँकी रहेको अवस्थामा २ विकेट गुमाउँदै १९० रन बनाएपछि ८ विकेटको सानदार जित दर्ता गर्न सफल भएको हो । 
नेपालको विजययात्रा जारी राख्ने क्रममा आयरल्यान्डविरुद्द्ध सन्दिप सुनार र सुनिल धमलाले विस्फोटक पारी खेले । 
ओपनर सुनिल धमलाले १२१ बलको सामाना गर्दै ७५ रन बनाउन सफल भए। उनीसँगै क्रिजमा जमेका सन्दिप सुनारले ११९ बलको सामना गर्दै नेपालका लागि सर्वाधिक ८५ रनको स्कोर गर्न सफल भए।  
ओपनरहरु जम्न सफल भएपछि नेपाली किशोरहरुले आयरल्यान्डको गतिलो लक्ष्य पनि पार गर्न सफल भए । 
नेपालका लागि नटआउट रहेका राजु रिजालले १६ र योगेन्द्रसिंह कार्कीले ४ रन जोड्न भ्याए । आयरल्यान्डका लागि रोरी एन्डर्सले एक विकेट लिन सफल भए । 
यसअघि पहिले ब्याटिङ गरेको आयरल्यान्डका लागि एरोन जिलेस्पीले आयरल्यान्डका लागि नटआउट रहँदै ९१ बलमा सर्वाधिक ५८ रन जोडे । त्यसैगरी ज्याक टेक्टरले ५३ बलमा ४६ रन बनाउन सके । 
टोम स्टन्टनले ३०, ग्यारी म्याकक्लिन्टकले २७ र एन्ड्रयु अस्टिनले १३ रन जोड्न सफल भए । 
नेपालका लागि प्रेम तामाङले सर्वाधिक ४ विकेट लिए । त्यसैगरी ललित राजवंशीले २ विकेट र सुशील कँडेलले एक विकेट लिए । 
यसअघि सोमबार भएको खेलमा नेपालले अमेरिकालाई ६ विकेटले पराजित गर्न सफल भएको थियो । 
आजको खेलमा आयरल्यान्डलार्इ पराजित गरेपछि नेपालले ८ अङ्क जोडेको छ । नेपालले पहिलो खेलमा पपुवा न्युगिनीलाई ९ विकेटले पराजित गरेको थियो भने दोस्रो खेलमा युगान्डामाथि १७१ रनको फराकिलो जित निकालेको थियो

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Gerard Robbins
Won Sik Kang President of Kukkiwon and proud member of the Official Taekwondo Hall of Fame ® speaking at the historic ceremony held in Kukkiwon World Taekwondo Headquarters in 2011.

Congratulation to everyone selected for regional selection

Congratulation to everyone selected for regional selection
Nepal Itf
Congratulations all of you.
Good luck for the regional selection.
In association with Kathmandu Sports Committee
(Sano Gaucharan) Kathmandu
District Taekwond...

Monday, October 19, 2015

सातौं राष्ट्रिय खेलकुद प्रतियोगिता को तयारी को चरन मा गुल्मी जिल्ला

सातौं राष्ट्रिय खेलकुद प्रतियोगिता को तयारी को चरन मा गुल्मी जिल्लाको सदरमुकाम तम्घास मा जिल्ला छनोट सफल भएको छ छनोट कार्यक्रम सहज बनाउन सहयोग गर्नुहुने wtf taekwondo coch दीपक छत्री र सितोरियो करते का गुरु उमेश थापा लै धरै धरै धन्यबाद।

Saturday, October 17, 2015

itf taekwondo estern rally


USA ITF NGB President Master Ramon Mateo ( Twice World ITF Campion) during 11th Big Apple International TKD championship at New York on 11th October 2015.

Baglung District Selection of ITF Taekwondo

Finally Finished successfully the Baglung District Selection of ITF Taekwondo .
Congratulation all of you for selecting on regional selection ..

Friday, October 16, 2015

Kathmandu district selection

Congratulations all of you.
   Good luck for the regional selection.
In association with Kathmandu Sports Committee
(Sano Gaucharan) Kathmandu
District Taekwondo ITF  Association has organized
selection match for 7th
National Game on date 2072/6/19 in Dreamland
public High School(Bagbazar).
In selection match following listed players were
1. Anil Tamang 45-50kg
2. Sujal Pulami Magar 51-55kg
3. Karsang Dorjey Shyangba Tamang 56-60kg
4. Sumit Pandit 61-65kg
5. Devid Ghale 66-70kg
6. Manoj Khadka 71-75 kg
7. Pravesh Agrawal 76-80 kg
8. Rishab Shrestha 81-85kg
9. Rabin Magar 85+
10. Ranju Pulami Magar (Female 40-45kg)
11. Puja Khulal Magar (Female 46-50 kg)
12. Dolma Gurung (female 51-55)
13. Ramila Rajan Magar (56-60)
14. Aadon Lama Tamang (1st Dan Pattern)
15. BikramThapari (Blue Belt)
16. Nishma Rajan Magar(Female Blue Belt)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

nepal team in goa

Nepal Itf
17 hrsEdited
Nepal teams at GOa India in 4th SATC 2015.

न्यू मोर्डन आइटिएफ तेक्वान्डो डोजाङ बुर्तिबाङद्धारा सम्मान कार्यक्रम

राम सुवेदी बुर्तिबाङ २०७२ असोज २२ । बुर्तिवाङ स्थित न्यूमोर्डन एकेडेमी बुर्तिबाङमा स्थापित न्यू मोर्डन आइटिएफ तेक्वान्डो डोजाङ बुर्तिबाङव्दारा आज एक कार्यक्रमका बीच सम्मान कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भएको छ ।
भारतको गोवामा सम्पन्न भएको दक्षिण एसियाली तेक्वान्दो प्रतियोगीता २०१५ मा तेक्वान्दो महासंघका तर्फबाट प्रतिनिधित्व गर्ने खेलाडी र जिल्ला खेलकुद विकास समितिमा पश्चिम बागलुङका तर्फबाट कोषाध्यक्षमा चयन भएका गोकुल शेरचनलाई संयुक्त रुपमा सम्मान कार्यक्रमको आयोजना गरि सम्मान गरिएको हो ।
भारतमा सम्पन्न तेक्वान्दो प्रतियोगीतामा न्यू मोर्डन आइटिएफ तेक्वान्दो डोजाङका तर्फबाट सहभागीता जनाई स्वर्ण पदक हासिल गर्ने खेलाडी आकाशचन्द्र घर्ती मगर र बसन्ती बुढा मगर त्यस्तै रजत पदक हासिल गर्ने भुमिराज बुढा मगर, विशाल बुढा मगर र मिथुन घर्ती मगरलाई न्यू मोर्डन डोजाङका तर्फबाट सम्मान पत्र सहित खादा ओढाएर सम्मान गरिएको हो ।
यसैबीच बागलुङको पश्चिम क्षेत्रबाट खेल क्षेत्रमा तेक्वान्दोका तर्फबाट राष्ट्रलाई चिनाउने प्रयत्न गरेको भन्दै आइटिएफ तेक्वान्दोका पूर्व केन्द्रिय सदस्य सुजन घर्ती मगरद्धारा स्वर्ण पदक हासिल गर्ने दुई खेलाडीलाई जनही १०।१० हजारका दरले नगद पुरस्कार प्रदान गरिएको छ । त्यस्तै जिल्ला तेक्वान्दो संघका सदस्य नरबहादुर केसीले पनि दुई स्वर्ण पदक विजेता खेलाडिलाई नगद १।१ हजारले सम्मान गरेका छन् ।
कार्यक्रममा जिल्ला खेलकुद विकास समितिमा कोषाध्यक्ष गोकुल शेरचनलाई सम्मान पत्र सहित खादा, माला र अविर लगाएर सम्मान गरिएको छ ।
12081453_908570129213689_591863383_n12087515_908569552547080_682581214_n (1)
न्यू मोर्डन आइटिएफ डोजाङ बुर्तिबाङका प्रमुख प्रशिक्षक तथा नेपाल व्ल्याक वेल्ट कमिटिका केन्द्रिय उपाध्यक्ष हिक्मत घर्ती मगरको अध्यक्षतामा आयोजना गरिएको सम्मान कार्यक्रममा बोल्ने अधिकांश वक्ताले, खेलकुद क्षेत्रको विकासका लागि सबै क्षेत्रको चासो हुनु आवश्यक रहेको कुरामा जोड दिएका थिए ।
जिल्ला खेलकुद विकास समिति सहित खेल क्षेत्रमा आवद्ध सरोकारवालाले सम्बन्धित क्षेत्रको विकासमा नलागेकोले अहिले पनि खेल क्षेत्रकोे अवस्था दयनिय भएको उनीहरुकाने भनाई थियो ।
कार्यक्रममा जिल्ला खेलकुद विकास समितिका कोषाध्यक्ष गोकुल शेरचन, तेक्वान्दो संघका जिल्ला सदस्य नरबहादुर केसी, न्यू मोर्डन एकेडेमी सञ्चालक समिति अध्यक्ष निमलाल पाण्डे, प्रिन्सिपल दीपक कुवँर, गाउँ खेलकुद विकास समितिका अध्यक्ष यामु पौवी, रेडियो परिवर्तनका स्टेशन म्यानेजर राम सुवेदी लगायतले शुभकामना मन्तव्य दिएका थिए । आयोजित कार्यक्रमको सञ्चालन आइटिएफ खेलाडि धीरेन्द्र घर्ती मगरले गरेका थिए ।

itf taekwondo district selection of morang

७औ National Games Purwanchal को लागि कराते छनौट गौरदाहा नगरपालिका मा यहि कार्तिक १ र२ गते हुने भएको हुदा खेल स्थान निरीक्षन गरियोसाथै ITF को जिल्ला छनौट पनि दमकमा सम्पन्न भयो र ३० गते Boxing को छनौट दमकमा हुने भएकोले उक्त स्थानको पनि निरीक्षण गरि भर्खरै मात्र गृह प्रबेस गरियो।

When is Dashain in 2015 (2072): Nepali Calendar Dashain 2072

When is Dashain in 2015 (2072): Nepali Calendar Dashain 2072
Here is the detail information about when is Dashain in 2015? or when is Dashain in 2072 BS? or Nepali calendar Dashain 2072 or Dashain Nepali Calendar 2015. If you are searching about when is dashain in 2015 or when is dashain in 2072, when is dashain 2015 or when is dashain 2072 or Dashain 2015 dates, or dashain 2072 dates, then you are in right place.
Dashain festival is the greatest festival of Nepal. Dashain festival is the longest festival of Nepal. And Dashain festival is the topmost major and popular festival of Nepal. It is celebrated during long 15 days in Nepal. Dashain is the national festival of all Nepali people either they are Hindus or Buddhist. It is the festival of uniting Nepali people with each other. Happy Vijaya Dashami 2072 in Advance. Happy Vijaya Dashami 2015 in Advance. Know when is dashain in 2015? or when is dashain in 2072? We have given you in detail about when is dashain in 2015 or when is dashain in 2072.
Dashain Festival Nepal
When is Dashain in 2015 or Dashain in 2072 B.S.? The detail date / calendar of Dashain in 2015 or Dashain in 2072 is given here. One can check it now. Do you want to know when Dashain is in 2015 or when Dashain is in 2072? When is Ghatasthapana in 2015 (Ghatasthapana in 2072 B.S.)? When is Phoolpati in 2015 (Phoolpati in 2072 B.S.)? When is Maha Astami in 2015 (Maha Astami in 2072 B.S.)? When is Maha Nawami in 2015 (Maha Nawami in 2072 B.S.)? When is Vijaya Dashami in 2015 (Vijaya Dashami in 2072 B.S.)? or Do you mean when is Bada Dashain in 2015 (Bada Dashain in 2072)?  or do you want to know about when is Durga Puja in 2015 (Durga Puja in 2072 BS)?  or if you want to know about when is Dussehra in 2015 (Dussehra in 2072 BS)?  All information are given below in this article here. Let’s be familiar with date of Dashain in 2015 or Dashain Dates in 2072 BS.
The date of Dashain falls in either in September or October (Ashoj or Kartik) each year, depending on the cycle of the moon. The Dashain festival actually runs for fifteen days, beginning with Ghatsthapana Dashain, although the main celebrations (Vijaya Dashami) happen on the tenth day of Dashain. Dashain always ends with Kojagrat Purnima, fifteenth day of Dashain. Dashain in 2015 will start on Thursday, the 25th September and will continue for 15 days until Thursday, the 9th October. According to Nepali Calendar, Dashain in 2072 (Vijaya Dashami in 2072 B.S.) will start on Thursday, Ashoj 09. Dashain is celebrated in early Ashwin (September–October) and ends in late Ashoj (September – October). The detail information about when is dashain in 2015 or when is dashain in 2072? is given below.
Dashain Dates 2015 is 4th October. Dashain Dates 2072 is 18th Ashoj.
Dashain Calendar 2015
Dashain Calendar 2015
1st day of DashainGhatasthapana13 October 2015 or 26 Ashoj 2072 B.S.
2nd day of DasainDitiya14 October 2015 or 27 Ashoj 2072 B.S.
3rd day of DashainTritiya15 October 2015 or 28 Ashoj 2072 B.S.
4th day of DasainChaturthi16 October 2015 or 29 Ashoj 2072 B.S.
5th day of DashainPanchami17 October 2015 or 30 Ashoj 2072 B.S.
6th day of DasainSasthi18 October 2015 or 01 Kartik 2072 B.S.
7th day of DashainPhoolpati / Phulpati19 October 2015 or 02 Kartik 2072 B.S.
8th day of DasainMaha Astami20 October 2015 or 03 Kartik 2072 B.S.
9th day of DashainMaha Nawami: 21 October 2015 or 04 Kartik 2072 B.S.
10th day of DashainVijaya Dashami: 22 October 2015 or 05 Kartik 2072 B.S.
11th day of DasainPampakusha Ekadashai23 October 2015 or 06 Kartik 2072 B.S.
12th day of DashainDwadashi24 October 2015 or 07 Kartik 2072 B.S.
13th day of DasainTridashi25 October 2015 or 08 Kartik 2072 B.S.
14th day of DashainChaturdashi26 October 2015 or 09 Kartik 2072 B.S.
15th day of DasainKojagrat Purnima27 October 2015 or 10 Kartik 2072 B.S.
When is Dashain in 2013 (2070 B.S.)?
When is Dashain in 2014 (2071 B.S.)?
When is Dashain in 2015 (2072 B.S.)?
When is Dashain in 2016 (2073 B.S.)?
When is Dashain in 2017 (2074 B.S.)?
When is Dashain in 2018 (2075 B.S.)?
When is Dashain in 2019 (2076 B.S.)?
When is Dashain in 2020 (2077 B.S.)?
When is Dashain in 2021 (2078 B.S.)?
When is Dashain in 2022 (2079 B.S.)?
When is Dashain in 2015 (2072): Nepali Calendar Dashain 2072
Upcoming Search Terms:
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Senior IOC Member and honorary life president of ITF Prof Dr, Chang Ung honored with "OCA Merit Gold Order" - September 2015 (15-9-2015)

On the occasion of 34th General Assembly of Olympic Council of Asia last week in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Prof Dr Chang Ung was honored with "OCA Merit Gold Order" in recognition of his contribution to the Olympic Movement of Asia as a Founding Member of OCA on 2nd December, 1982 in New Delhi. India.…

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Representative of Nepal at 11th Big Apple International Taekwon-Do Championship at New York on 11th October 2015. With Former NITF President Master Krishna Bahadur Balal.